Most homes nowadays have tile in them somewhere. It's beautiful and durable which is why it remains a go-to in construction materials. So whether it's on the floor, in the shower, or the backsplash chances are you've got some. This means that you've also got the glue that holds those tiles together: grout.
For some, these little lines are the bane of our existence, especially in the bathroom. Over time, what once was shiny and white has now absorbed your husbands' late night misfires or your animals dirt and it's lost its luster. You might be asking yourself, what do the Pros do for grimy grout? Well, at Critically Clean, we discovered this little gem: the Voweek electric spin scrubber.

With 4 different heads, two different speeds, and an adjustable handle, it is one of our favorite tools! And for the price of $36.99 (at last checking), it delivers excellent value. It's great for sinks, toilets, shower glass and, most importantly, deep scrubbing that grout in the shower. Here is a before and after of a client's shower. They have a dog that is prone to escaping and when it comes back, they sequester the little beast in the shower. When we arrived last time this is what the grout looked like:

So we turned our little spin scrubber loose and this is what it looked like after:

Grout is a necessary evil in our lives, but that doesn't mean we have to settle for grimy grout. Give us a call today and we'll help restore the shine in yours!
-- Luke